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Air to Water Machines

Air to water purifier made using green technology that harvests water from the humidity in the air. Since water depletion is a growing concern so to enable a greener tomorrow this unique mechanism will help conserve water -Atmospheric water generators.

Noise And Vibration Sensors

Modern wireless technology enables smooth assembly and start-up in minutes. And equally effortless dismounting after completion of the project.Allows you to invite any stakeholder you want to see pre-determined data. Furthermore, it allows you to change your report parameters and run new reports in an instance. The state of the battery can be checked remotely, and the system will notify you when it needs to be replaced.

Dust Monitoring System

Dust Monitor is a high-quality sensor that simultaneously measures the airborne particle concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0, and TSP. Intended continuous monitoring of dust particles from demolition, construction works, and traffic.

Weather Station

Weather stationis a small, lightweight, and high-quality sensor that simultaneously measures the following parameters:

  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Rain intensity and relative humidity
  • Air temperature

Water level Monitoring System

Water level and water temperature with barometric pressure correction.

Water Quality Monitoring System

  • Conductivity (TDS, Salinity, Density)
  • Turbidity
  • Dissolved O2
  • pH
  • Ammonia
  • Nitrate
  • Chloride
  • Sodium
  • Calcium

Security systems and camera

All in one sensor for monitoring environmental changes in your physical space. With a collection of powerful embedded sensors following parameter can be monitored from one device.

  • Temperature
  • Air quality index
  • Noise level
  • Motion
  • Humidity
  • PM2.5

Given our experience and expertise in these fields, we believe we can offer a unique and superior service to small as well as large projects, in comparison to what is currently available.